Candidate for President-Elect

Thomas M. Ratliff

Associate Vice President, Student Financial Services

Hardin-Simmons University


From the Candidate:

I truly appreciate being considered for the opportunity to serve TASFAA as President-Elect.  My 35 years of financial aid administration experience in a variety of proprietary, public and private institutions, have given me the ability to see our profession through many different frames of reference.  Similarly, my service with multiple professional associations, including being President of both our SWASFAA regional financial aid association and the MASFAA regional association, has allowed me opportunity to internalize a variety of approaches for meeting group objectives. 

Just like our students, we as a professional body have very diverse needs.  I want to help ensure we do all we can to help each other effectively fulfill those through training, contributing to aid program development and encouragement of one another.

In this time of unequaled challenges with the U.S. Department of Education, NASFAA leadership change and increasing regulatory complexity, it is important that our state association have a strong and understanding voice for our concerns. 

It is my hope that with your support through this opportunity I will be able to help contribute to that voice in ways that best meet the needs of our membership while pursing our goal of delivering educational funding opportunities for students throughout Texas.