Candidate for President-Elect

Chandra Gonzalez

Senior Director, Student Services

South Texas College of Law Houston


From the Candidate

Serving on the TASFAA board of directors has been one of the most rewarding and valuable decisions I have ever made. After having served 3 years on the TASFAA board, I feel I have found a new avenue to help fellow administrators along with contributing a unique voice to our organization. I would love the opportunity to further assist my fellow financial aid administrators as your TASFAA president.

I have worked in higher education for over 23 years, from financial aid advisor to director level, and with private, proprietary and public institutions. I want to continue to give back to our financial aid community and serving as your president would be a great next step. Currently, I serve on the TASFAA regional training committee, site selection committee, and the early awareness committee. I love training and helping others to better understand our already complicated financial aid world! TASFAA helps me to achieve this goal.

I am a first generation, Asian American who loves to represent our financial aid community and find ways to make our professional lives a little bit easier and a lot more fun. I believe in sharing best practices, ideas and spending time as a community to better understand everyone’s struggles….ultimately trying to help each other overcome those struggles. I’d be honored to lead TASFAA to ensure we will always represent you!