Candidate for Board Member At-Large

Joy D. Thomas, Ed.D.

Executive Director, Office of Student Financial Services

Prairie View A&M University

From the Candidate:

I am writing this statement to express my interest in a place on the ballot for the TASFAA Board of Directors. To provide some background, I have served in various roles throughout institutions of Higher Education, where my commitment and willingness to serve those in need in the financial aid and academic world has spanned over 19 years, working at Georgia Southern University, Savannah State University, and Prairie View A&M University.

I have had the opportunity to work in the areas of student services, including financial aid and information technology, where I have gained the administrative and technical knowledge needed to be successful in my career as a financial aid administrator.


While serving in various capacities in financial aid, I have had the opportunity to contribute to the success of numerous minority, low-income students and I am continuing to strive to make an impact to those minority college students who may not have otherwise had the opportunity to attend college. I pride myself in knowing that I will one day become a leader who continues to develop creative and innovative methods of servicing the student population. In my current role as Executive Director of Student Financial Services, I am with hopes that having the opportunity to serve on the TASFAA Board of Directors will allow me to learn about and embrace the internal and external challenges faced in Colleges and Universities in the State of Texas as it relates to federal, state, and institutional practices surrounding federal student aid.


 TASFAA Activities including committees and offices held:

• TASFAA Board of Directors (2021-22 – Member-At-Large)

• Member of Diversity/Inclusiveness Task Force, Chair


Other Professional Association Activities including committees and offices held:

• NASFAA Diversity Leadership Program (DLP) Cohort 2022-23

• Serves as a member of the THECB Financial Aid Advisory Committee (FAAC) – Term: 2019 - 2022

• College Board Enrollment Leadership Academy (ELA) Cohort (2023-24)

• Former Member of Georgia Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (GASFAA) 2005 – 2009 - Volunteer Committees Participated: Site Selection

• Delta Sigma Pi Professional Business Fraternity – active member

• National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NAASFA) – active member

• American Association of Blacks in Higher Education – former member


Campus Activities:

• Served as a member of the PVAMU HR COHORT R.I.S.E. Training Academy

• Served as a member of the PVAMU Athletic Council

• Member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated (Katy, TX area) – Current Position: Grammeteus (Secretary)

• Conducts ongoing academic research in the areas that focus on financial aid/financial literacy and student loan default.

• Financial Aid Professional for over 19 years.